- Acorn House11, 53, 88
- Acorn the Stone House131
- Adams, Mr127
- Adcock18
- Addenbrook, Mr H29
- Addenbrook, Rev E29, 125
- Addenbrooke, AE29
- Addenbrooke, Emma29
- Addenbrooke, H102
- Addenbrooke, Henry129
- Addenbrooke, Mr and Mrs G111a
- Addenbrooke, Mr and Mrs86, 104
- Addenbrooke, Mr H27, 39
- Addenbrooke, Mr114, 76, 39, 63
- Addenbrooke, Mrs H114
- Addenbrooke, Mrs102, 126
- Addenbrooke83
- Adderley, Capt, & Troop102, 126
- Adelaid(e)36
- Adenbrooke, Mr89
- admission to the Park71
- Advent71, 83
- advowson10
- Aldfield School131
- Aldridge, Mrs18
- Aldridge34
- Allbutt, Mr131, 132
- Allbutt, Mrs132
- Alms House69, 81, 108, 113, 119, 126, 127
- altar rails71
- Anchorage, the39, 73
- Anglesea, the (Ed's ship)108
- Anglesea76, 119
- Anglesey132
- Angleterre143
- Annie Gray129
- antipendium101
- Archbishop ofCanterbury Aris 's Gazette34
- Arnold Mrs69
- Arnold, Ed, butcher69
- Arthars, Mr143
- Arthur (Arthans?), Mr131
- articled clerk17
- Ash Wednesday73
- Ash, Ann10
- Ash105
- Ashford, Mary9
- Ashfurlong16, 20, 45, 47, 55
- Aston 's property85
- Aston Board of Guardians139
- Aston Brook4
- Aston in Leicestershire69
- Aston St136
- Aston Union Board of Guardians35
- Aston Union19, 23, 35
- Aston76, 86
- Astwood132
- Asylum63
- Athanasian Creed107
- Atherstone34
- Atkins, Mr131
- Atkins, Old119
- Atlantic Cable76
- Atlantic76
- Attwood and Spooner 's Bank59
- Aunts81
- Aylesford, Lord19
- Bagatelle board17
- Bagnall, Mr109
- Bailis, Mrs101
- Bailis, Wm, of Sutton102
- Bailis, Wm3, 86, 127
- Bailis108
- Baker, Mr25, 126
- Ball51, 71, 105, 136, 103
- Bamford, Miss29, 55
- Bamford, Mrs55
- Baptisms27
- Baptist 's Oratorio71
- Bardsley, Rev125
- Barker, Mr9, 17, 19, 20, 27
- Barker, Mrs barn, Wilkin 's76
- Barker76
- Barnaby18
- Baron & Baroness!49
- Barrow, Mr139
- Barrows and Clark101
- Barrows, Mr107, 132, 139
- Barton, Mr100
- Bath38
- Bathing pool, Sutton Park131
- batting22
- Baylis, Miss, of Moseley102
- Bazaar, Grand25
- Bazaar43, 67
- Beach, Bessie61
- Beach, C119
- Beach, Charles61
- Beach, George53, 113
- Beach, Mrs, Post Mistress61
- Beach, Mrs51
- Beach, Sophy102
- Beach17
- Beache 's Cottages13
- Beadle55
- Beal, Mr39
- Beardoe, Mr105, 132
- Bedford Barker Browne, Miss19
- Bedford Rev WKR43
- Bedford, Mr and Mrs83
- Bedford, Mr10,1127, 37, 39, 69, 73, 81, 88, 100, 122, 144
- Bedford, Mrs100
- Bedford, William10
- Bedford100
- Bee, Mr73
- Beech G101
- Beeche, Chas127
- Bell at Hotel75
- Bell Tower of Romish Chapel144
- Bell, Dr5
- Bell, the29, 39
- Bellamy, Mr and Mrs107
- Bellamy, Mr100, 104, 105, 109
- Bellamy126
- Bells33, 101, 107
- benefice of Sutton134
- Benton, Robert23
- Berker, Mr25
- Bethelem Hospital138
- Bethlem Hospital122
- Betts, Mrs75
- Betts, William139
- Bible76
- Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus13
- Bick, Mrs37, 53
- Biddulph, Square16
- Biggs, Mr87
- Billiard Room16
- billiards139
- Birch, Miss138
- Bird John81
- Bird, Mrs18
- Birmingham Banking Company128
- Birmingham elections111
- Birmingham Festival110
- Birmingham Road43
- Birmingham scum110
- Birmingham/Sutton Coldfield Extension Line86
- Birmingham4, 5, 7, 17, 27, 37, 63, 7
- birthday, Sarah 's111, 131
- Bishop Lonsdale111
- Bishop of Chester104
- Bishop of Lichfield19, 111, 114
- Bishop of Worcester47
- Bishop Vesey 's School63
- Bishop Vesey, Founder's Will27
- Bishop110
- Blabs Cottages23
- Blabs23, 37
- Black Root Pool61, 75 102, 107, 136
- Blick Henry126
- Blick's, Mr37
- blue basin11, 27
- Board of Guardians34, 35
- Bodington 's baby113
- Bodington 's wife 's death113
- Bodington Junior, Dr George111
- Bodington Richard109
- Bodington, Dr G138
- Bodington, Dr GF, brass plate144
- Bodington, Dr126, 132, 143
- Bodington, E and M84
- Bodington, George, the younger109
- Bodington, Miss71, 86, 111, 134
- Bodington, Misses69
- Bodington, Mr George41
- Bodington, Mr19, 41
- Bodington103, 109
- Bohun57
- Boil, Mrs105
- Boldmere Church43, 47
- Boldmere district10
- Boldmere Parsonage43
- Boldmere43
- Bolton, Mrs81
- Book Club day29
- Book Club29
- Boothe, Mr7
- Bowden and Wife81, 126
- Bowdon, Cheshire41
- Bowly, Mr, of Oldbury73
- Boyle, The Rev GD84
- Boys Home, The138
- brace of birds81
- Bracebridge Pool144
- Bracken Evanilda37
- Bracken, AA43
- Bracken, Miss C109
- Bracken, Miss24, 53, 131
- Bracken, Mrs9, n, 27
- Brailes59
- Brass to Sir Wm Hartopp76
- Brass, Sarah 's89, 102
- bread7, 102
- Breadsall27
- Brentnall, George13, 138
- Brentnall, Mrs G102
- Brentnall, watchmaker Brentnall, Wm18
- Brisco, Miss39
- Brockas ' donkey15
- Brockas, H111
- Brockas, Harriet109
- Brockas, Harriett105, 110
- Brockas, Harriette83
- Brockas15, 18, 19
- Bromsgrove76, 103
- Bromwich (mother)100
- Bromwich, Thomas, photographer100
- Bromwich107
- Broomy Leasow127
- Brown 's Forge20
- Brown, George20
- Brown, Mr George15
- Brown, Mr20
- Brown, Mrs20
- Brown, Richard129
- Brown, the Glazier47
- Browne 's, the glaziers7
- Browne, Anne20
- Browne, glazier7
- Browne, Harriet20
- Browne, Henry, wife of129
- Browne, Mary20
- Browne, Mr Ed20
- Browne, Mr6, 13
- Browne, Mrs13
- Browne, Ricd(Richard?)34
- Brumagen Sanitorium105
- Brummagens75
- Brunswick Terrace71
- Bryan107
- Buedleigh Duke of49
- building lots31
- Bun Hill53
- Bunn, Tailor18
- Burnt Green37
- Burton100
- Butler, Brabins38, 39
- butler17
- butter market43
- Bynterion(?)132
- calling card135
- Canwell Hall129
- Cap Burgess89
- Cape Town, Bishop of27
- Capel, David, builder63, 67
- Capital Burgess49, 51, 113
- Caravan7, 9
- carpet for altar step100
- carriages16, 38, 45, 71
- carrier7
- Carter Smith, Mr37
- carts7
- Cartwright, Mr131
- Carver7
- cattle disease81, 83
- cattle plague88, 102
- cattle102, 111
- Chadwick, Hugo13, 22
- Chadwick, Mr37, 45, 113
- Chadwick, Mrs138
- Chadwick, The Old Squire13
- Chambers, Mrs, gas woman88
- Chambers, young88
- Chancel (Church (Holy Trinity))73
- Chancel door83, 101
- Chancery Lane76
- Chandler83
- Chapel, RC charge into the Park39
- chariot38
- Charity Act, the63
- Charity Trustees81
- Chartist disturbance37
- Chas Smith 's Coach104
- Chavasse (?), Dunstall65
- Chavasse, Catherine113
- Chavasse, Emily61
- Chavasse, Howard & Emily53
- Chavasse, Howard47, 61, 63, 84, 104
- Chavasse, HS100
- Chavasse, Jane Anne61
- Chavasse, Mr21, 25, 41, 51, 55, 61 69, 87, 89
- Chavasse, Mrs21, 84, 108
- Chavasse, Rev LT, of Rushall108
- Chavasses, Miss21
- Cheshire, Mr23
- Chevasses104
- Chignons105
- Chilmey(?), Mr, grandchildren of135
- chimney67
- China8
- cholera37, 39
- Christian Church100
- Christian Festival39
- Christmas16
- Church (Holy Trinity)41, 65, 67, 71, 107, 108
- Church (Sutton)76
- Church Bells63
- Church Clock83
- Church Congress and Ritualism, The111a
- Church Congress Liverpool 1869144
- Church Hill lodgings33
- Church Hill33, 65
- Church Missionary Society27,29, 59, 126
- Church porch119
- Church rate88
- Church Rector10
- Church Restoration67
- Church Wardens67, 76
- Church Yard15, 61, 138
- Church37, 84
- Churchill88
- Churchwardens139
- Clark and Barrows101
- Clark104
- Claughton The Rev TL83
- Clerk13, 19
- Clifton Hill88
- Clive, Joe136
- Clive, Mrs136
- Clothing club19
- Clutterbuck, Mr27
- Clutterbuck, Mrs27
- Coach Chas Smith’s104
- coach7, 9, 17, 19, 21
- coal fires71
- coal house73
- Coldfield School Infants, The27
- Coldfield37, 43, 81, 113
- Cole 's Gardens128
- Cole 's Promenade Gardens139
- Coles, Royal Promenade Gardens141
- Coleshill Street11
- Colman, Mr16
- Colmore, Mr53, 69, 83, 102, 111
- communion plate43
- consecration, Boldmeare Church43
- consecration, St James '19
- consecration, Walmley Church29
- Conservative demonstration83
- Conservative dinner83
- cook, Lucy Harrison127
- Cooper Langley, Mr13
- Cooper, Jas41
- Cooper59
- Cope, Mr17
- Cornish, Jn (John)33
- Coronation21
- Corporation 19, 20, 45, 51, 69, 73, 100, 110, 111, 125, 131, 138, 144
- Corporation Field49
- Corporation fued100
- Corry, Mr125
- Corton113
- Cottage, The39, 47
- Cottages beside Three Tuns86
- Coventry Church extension110, 129
- Coventry85
- Crampton Mr111
- Creed108, 110
- Cromwell55
- Cross29, 41, 134
- Crow, Andrew8
- Crow, Charles8
- Crow, John8
- Crow, Samuel8
- Crowshaw13
- Croxall & Holbeche59
- Croxall, Mr17, 18, 59
- Cull, Mr and Mrs85
- cull, Mr45, 67, 76, 111, 138, 139
- cull, Mrs18, 138
- Cull83
- Culls, Mr122
- Cup Field67
- Cup Fields61, 65
- Cup, the17, 18, 63
- Curate Aid Society113
- Curate, Prussian101
- Curate39, 67, 88, 100
- Curates Aid87
- Curator67
- curtain, cloth83
- Dale, Mrs113
- damson tree113
- dancing51
- Datchworth81
- Davenport, Mr Bromley126
- Davenport69
- Davies, Tysart7
- Davis, Mr88, 109
- Davis, Mrs125
- Davis, Stephen, the engineer125
- Davis18
- Davy127
- Dawson, George113
- Dawson59, 83
- Denison, Archdeacon111a
- deputy, High Steward19
- diamond diadem109
- Dixon, George, Mayor of Birmingham111
- Dixons, Miss, house87
- Doe Bank13, 81, 101, 136, 139
- dog grievance113
- dogs in park125
- dogs127
- Doncaster, Mr132
- donkey, Brockas '15
- Donkeys109
- Dorridge Grove122
- Douglas, Mr27, 33, 35, 37, 129
- Dover 's (powders)39
- Driffold3, 19, 41, 75, 84, 109, 131
- Droitwich102
- ducking pit16
- Dugdale, Mr34
- Dugdale19
- Duke St53, 67, 131
- Dumolo, Mr16, 37
- Duncomb, Mrs9
- Duncomb75
- Dunstall65, 71
- Dutton's, Mr, son136
- Dutton, Mr83, 131
- Dutton, Tom83
- Eagles, Mr139
- Easter Vestry appointments125
- Eccleston Miss141
- Eccleston's, Mr, 'Introduction
to English Antiquities 9 - Eccleston, Mr9, 27, 37
- eclipse111
- Eddoes, Mr47
- Eddowes, M107
- Eddowes, Mr43, 49, 53, 55, 67, 73, 76, 109, 114, 139
- Eddowes, Mrs101, 102
- Eddows, Mr131
- Eddy croft138
- Eden, Honourable Miss10
- Edgbaston61
- Edinburgh67
- elder wine7, 125
- Elkins, Mr and Mrs102
- Elkins, Mr, retired draper102
- Ellen, Miss25
- Elliott, The Rev HL84
- Ellison, Louise143
- Elwell, Mr87
- Emanuel Arms75
- Emily71
- Enclosure act11
- England13
- Erdington27
- Essington, Mr75
- Etkins, Mr136
- Evans, Dr21
- Everitt, Miss7
- Exchange of Land37
- Express17
- eyebrows and matching hair111
- faculty76
- Fair day102
- fair81, 83
- Falcon Lodge, servants27
- Falcon Lodge16, 27
- Fallows88
- Fare9, 10
- Farmer, Mr110
- Farmer17
- farthings104
- Father 's (Sarah 's) death33
- Father (Sarah 's)3, 5, 6, 8, 15, 17, 23, 29, 33, 34
- Fawdry, Mr139
- feed, the (Warden 's Choice?)132
- Felton5
- Female Benefit Club108
- Field Mr89
- Field34
- fire at Mr Wm Wilkinsno
- fire at Sutton Park129
- Fires17
- fireworks41
- Firm, the104
- Firs, The101
- First Committee7
- First Lord of the Admiralty126
- Fletcher, Mrs, of Haselor Hall83
- Fletcher83, 87
- Flower Show, 29th55
- Foot people65
- Forge, Brown 's20
- Forge, The20
- Four Oaks Hall10, 139
- Four Oaks65, 69, 71, 109, 131
- Fowler, Mr23, 127, 131
- Fowler, Robert102
- Fox and Dogs, The86, 110
- France15
- Frank36
- Free Masons76, 101
- Free School Exam102
- Free School, the7, 88
- Freer, Dr45
- Freer, Mrs45
- Frost, Mr105
- Funerals27
- Gainer, Old13
- gallery stairs81
- Garnett, Mr27, 39, 41, 49, 53, 89
- Garnett, Mrs122
- Garnetts, the88
- Garrett, Mr51
- Gas Light and Coke Company76
- Gas lighting in Church110
- gas lights45
- Gas Stoves71
- Gas Woman Gas works88
- Gas Works, Sutton76
- gas41
- gaslights41
- Gates, Mr29
- Gender 's property71
- Genders, Miss107
- Genders57, 73
- General Post Office73
- gentry8
- Gerty9
- gig38
- Giles ' Hotel67
- Giles ' rick144
- Giles, Mr139
- Giles51, 138
- Gillott, Mr, penmaker88
- Glastonbury chairs71
- God84
- Goddard, Revd F, parish clerk144
- Goldsmith's 'Vicar of Wakefield'10
- Good Friday37, 76
- Good Queen Bess83
- Goodard, Mr, Curate86
- Goodard, Mr100
- Goodwood110, 122
- Gordon, Col8
- Grammar School9, 63, 73, 86, 122
- Grand Lodge of Free Masons101
- Gray, Revd Robt(Robert?)29
- Great Bank Failure, The75
- Great Exhibition41
- Great Grensden139
- Great Western Railway76
- Green Lanes Schools23
- Green, Rev Grahame39
- Gretarix, Mr, mother of38
- Gretarix, Mr38
- Gretorex, Mr39
- Gretorex, Mrs39
- Grews(?), Mr65
- Griffin, Mr19, 21
- Griffin, Mrs19, 21
- Griffis, the Station Master107
- Griffis39
- Grime, Mr and Mrs16
- Grimes, Mr20, 21, 23
- Grimley, Mr22
- Grimley, Old Isaac113
- Grimly, Isaac22
- Grimly, Rebecca22
- Grundy, Eliz Jane125
- Grundy, Mr Wm51
- Grundy, Mr33, 41
- Grundy, Mrs33, 136
- Guest, Mr5
- gunpowder107
- gutters11
- Gwythen, Mr87
- Hacket St87
- Hacket, Frederick47
- Hacket, John65
- Hacket, Mr & Mrs8, 9
- Hacket, Mr and Mrs,65
- Hacket, Mr Frances8
- Hacket, Mr John8
- Hacket, Mr9, 16, 65, 86
- Hacket, Mrs19
- Hacket107, 113
- Hackets100
- Hackett, Mr and Mrs20
- Hadley, Mr17
- halberds102
- Harding, Capt38
- Hardman76
- Harness, Arthur112
- Harris, Granny113, 125, 127
- Harris, watchman125
- Harrison, Lucy, Holbeche cook127
- Hartopp, George10
- Hartopp, Lady7,10, 71, 76, 109
- Hartopp, Lucy101
- Hartopp, Miss Annie49
- Hartopp, Miss Julia119
- Hartopp, Mr W19
- Hartopp, Mr11
- Hartopp, Old Sir Edmund10
- Hartopp, Sir E13, 20
- Hartopp, Sir EC37
- Hartopp, Sir J109
- Hartopp, Sir John69
- Hartopp, Sir LC10
- Hartopp, Sir WEL49
- Hartopp, Sir William10, 69
- Hartopp, Sir Wm, brass76
- Hartopp, Slr89
- Hartopp, wife of Sir Wm65
- Hartopp,Miss43
- Hartopp59
- Hartopp? (Sir John)109
- Harvest Festival101
- Harvest Thanksgiving101, 111, 132
- Harvest102
- Haselour34
- Hastings, John63
- Hatton111, 138
- Hay, Whitworth34
- Haynes, Arthur122, 138
- Haynes110, 111
- Hayward, Mr67
- Hayward, Mrs128
- Hayward43, 45, 84, 88, 107, 109, 111
- Hearnshaw, Mrs, letter carrier141
- Hearnshaw113
- Hendrick, Miss, of Weeford101
- Herdman, Mrs3
- Hetherinton 's charity86
- Hicks, Mr 67
- Hiersh, Mr102, 103
- Higgs127
- High Churchism111a
- High Festivals39
- High Street36
- Hill Church19, 45
- Hill Court (Dodderhill)132
- Hill district10
- Hill, Mr, and Family83
- Hill, Mr81
- Hill, organ110
- Hill, Rev P of St Andrews, Birmingham71
- Hill, Rev67
- Hill19, 108, 110, 111, 122
- Hipkins, Mr, dentist126
- Hirsch, Revd H101
- Hobart Town37
- Hobday, Mr67
- Hodge, Mr76, 111
- Hodge122
- Hodgkin, Mr CL and wife88
- Hodgson, Mr and Mrs CB122
- Hodgson, Mr113, 127, 144
- Holbeche & Addenbrooke39
- Holbeche (Vincent) and Addenbrooke3
- Holbeche and Willoughby23
- Holbeche, Aemilian (Sarah 's brother)5, 6, 25, 33, 34, 35
- Holbeche, Aemilian84, 102, 114, 120, 122
- Holbeche, Arthur45, 111, 114
- Holbeche, boys (photos)103
- Holbeche, Carpenter45
- Holbeche, Catherine (Sarah 's sister)6, 9, 11, 37
- Holbeche, EA132
- Holbeche, Ed143
- Holbeche, Edward (Teddy)111a
- Holbeche, Edward Addenbrooke120
- Holbeche, Edward55, 76, 108, 119
- Holbeche, Elizabeth (Sarah 's sister)5, 47, 49
- Holbeche, Emma111, 113, 114, 119, 125, 126, 134, 138
- Holbeche, Fanny (Sarah 's sister)6
- Holbeche, Francis (Sarah 's brother)5
- Holbeche, Gertrude (Sarah 's niece)9, 45
- Holbeche, Helen (Sarah 's sister)6, 11, 45, 69, 86, 113, 114
- Holbeche, Henry (Sarah 's brother)6
- Holbeche, Henry Leigh120
- Holbeche, Henry11
- Holbeche, Jane (Sarah's sister)5, 21, 34,119, 135
- Holbeche, John (Sarah's brother)5, 18, 27, 33, 37
- Holbeche, John114
- Holbeche, John23
- Holbeche, Lieu.125
- Holbeche, Martin (Sarah 's brother)5, 9
- Holbeche, Mary (Sarah 's sister)5, 39
- Holbeche, Miss and Miss102
- Holbeche, Miss55, 143
- Holbeche, Misses53
- Holbeche, Mr John119
- Holbeche, Mrs102
- Holbeche, Richard (Dick) (Sarah's nephew)73 , 76, 103, 105, 114, 119, 125, 126, 127, 129, 141
- Holbeche, Robert (Sarah's brother)6, 21, 23, 34
- Holbeche, Robert Neville119
- Holbeche, Robert11, 76, 119, 120, 125
- Holbeche, Sarah18, 37, 135
- Holbeche, Son and Willoughby21
- Holbeche, Ted129
- Holbeche, Thomas (Sarah's brother)5, 13, 17
- Holbeche, Thomas (Sarah's father)35
- Holbeche, Thomas Vincent (TV)81
- Holbeche, Thos Vincent (Sarah 's nephew)31,111a, 114, 119, 120, 126, 131, 76
- Holbeche, V (Sarah's brother)29
- Holbeche, Vincent (Sarah's brother)5, 17, 20, 23, 29, 33, 34, 37, 39, 41,
- Holbeche, Vincent111, 113, 114, 134, 138, 76
- Holbeche20, 59
- Holden, Mr15, 19
- Holden, Rev Hyle15
- Holland House100
- Holland St100, 131
- Holland25
- Hollis65
- Hollyfield20, 21, 39, 63, 111
- Holy Communion65, 108
- Holy Week76
- Honey, Mr55
- Hood, Thos59
- Horton, Colonel8
- Horton, Lady Mary8
- Horton, Miss8, 9
- Horton, Mr19, 25, 34, 39, 41, 53, 139
- Horton, Mrs41
- Hospital Sunday83
- Hotel Company6, 71, 122
- Hotel Pool, The75
- Hotel Road (the "New Cut")73
- Hotel Road76
- Hotel, Giles'67
- Hotel, Sutton76
- Hotel73, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 105
- house, new, 43
- housemaid47
- Howard, Mrs63
- Hughes (late James deceased)101
- Hughes, Mr67, 71, 76
- Hughes59
- human bones139
- Hymns71
- Ideal Asylum131
- Idiot Asylum Meeting113
- Idiot Asylum, Midland Counties122
- India17, 76, 128
- Inquest at Fox and Dogs110
- Institute and Reading Room138, 139
- Introduction to English Antiquities9
- Irving, Major16
- Ivy House3, 41
- ivy139
- Jackson, Annie122
- Jacot, Mr and Mrs37
- Jacot, Mr22
- Jacot, Mrs22
- Jacot29
- jail49
- Jallop powders39
- James, Mr101
- Jerome, Mr49, 55, 100, 125, 144
- Jessamine Cottage111
- Jesson 's monument73
- Jessons38
- job advert127
- John, Sir (Hartopp?)109
- Jones, Mrs101
- Jones, Mrs132
- Joseph100
- Keeling Mr132
- Keeling, Miss132
- Keeper 's Lodge13
- Kell conspiracy, The101
- Kellite conspiracy102
- Kempson, Mr15, 89, 101
- Kempson, Mrs101, 102
- Kindliness, John105
- King Edward's School63
- Kingswinford27, 29
- Kirshaw, Mr132
- Kite, Mr100
- Kittoe, Mr69, 89, 111, 132
- Kittoe, Rev EH83
- Kittoe, the Rev47
- Knibbs141
- Knowle7
- Krishaw (?), Mr126
- Ladies (committee)102
- Ladywood13
- Lakin, Dr4, 63, 65, 69, 83, 84, 110, 113, 114, 126, 127, 128
- Lakin, Mrs84, 127
- lamb45
- Lambert, Mr86
- Lambley, Mr11
- Lampert, Mr59
- lances13
- Lander, Mr23
- Langley Hall38
- Langley59
- Law, Miss21
- Lawley, Miss16
- Leamington39
- Lecture by Dawson53, 83
- Lecture, Howard (Chavasse)47
- Lecture, Mr Chavasse51
- lecture, Mr Eddowes '49
- Lecture, Mr Honey55
- lecture83
- Lecturn69
- Leicester47
- Leigh, Lord49, 51, 83
- Lent Prayer37
- Lent73, 84
- Letter (from France)15
- letter carrier4, 141
- letter, Sarah 's mother 's9
- Ley Hill7
- Liberals75
- Lichfield Races110
- Lichfield, Bishop of19, 111, 114
- Lichfield4
- lime stones17
- Line41
- Lisbon17
- Little Aston105
- Little Sisters Alms Houses, The,108
- Little Sutton15, 86
- Liverpool Coach4
- Liverpool Coach4
- Liverpool4, 17, 21
- Lloyd, Miss67
- Lloyd, Mr8
- Lloyds & Co, Bank122
- Lloyds brothers100, 110
- LNW107
- Lodge Anniversary104
- Loftus, Miss129
- Loftus, Mr129
- London111
- London15, 41, 119
- Lord High Steward19, 49
- Lord Leigh113
- Louise16
- Low Churchism111a
- low party45
- Lucy, Mr10
- Lucy, Mrs122
- Lucy, Mrs88
- Lunatic Asylum136
- Lying in Charity7
- Lying in Woman102
- Macauley, Miss47
- magisterial139
- Major, Old16
- Malt House83
- Malvern132
- Manchester4
- Maney Chapel29
- Maney Field53
- Maney Fields131
- Maney Lane143
- Maney Villas, No 1101
- Maney Villas, No 2101
- Maney, Chapel29
- Maney, Mr Sadler's field31
- Maney20, 31, 67, 131, 136, 139
- Manor Hill estate, the131
- Manor Hill87, 111, 132
- Manor, the25, 84
- Manor4
- manorial100
- Marines125, 126
- Marines127
- Market Place75
- Marshall 's house71
- Martin63, 65
- Mason, Mr and Mrs16
- Masonic Ball86
- Master of Lying in Linen (Bailis)108
- Master5
- mately, Miss Emma65
- Mayfield, Mr67
- McAdam, Miss (Belfast)65
- McKew107
- meat102
- Melbourne111a
- Mellor, Mrs105
- Mendham, Mr Robert47
- Mendham, Mr19, 14
- menu143
- Merchants Service17
- Merdith, Revd E67
- Mere Green122
- Meredith Rev WRF83
- Meredith, Mr 67, 71, 89
- Meredith, Revd E76
- Mew, Mr37
- Middleton, Lord19
- Middletown, Lady6
- Midland (Railway)83
- Midland Counties Idiot Asylum, Knowle122
- Milford House, Park Gate100
- Mill Street53, 88
- Miller, Dr, of Tamworth109
- Milton House71
- Mission83
- Moiliette, Mr8
- Moilietts20
- Moor Hall8,9, 20, 27, 65, 88, 100, 110
- Moot Hall138
- More, Mr37
- Morris75
- Moscow Gazette100
- Mother 's (Sarah 's) siezure Mount Pleasant15
- Mother (Sarah 's)7, 9,10, 15, 23, 55
- Mount Sinai13
- Mowbray, John33
- Mowbray, Miss33
- Mowbray, Mr125
- Moxly (?)101
- Municipal Bill19
- Mupon (Musson?), Mrs Vincent144
- Murphy Riots108
- Museum88, 109
- Myrtle Cottage131
- Nanny, Nurse33
- Nanny34
- Nash, Joseph13
- Nash, Rev H, curate144
- National Society102
- National Thanksgiving Day33
- Nevill 's5
- New (railway) Line by Water Orton New (railway) line83
- New Era51
- New Hall22, 37
- New Hotel Company109
- New House20, 21
- New Race Course111
- New Road for station671
- new road from Driffold84
- New Road Tavern, Mr Smith 's104
- New Royal Hotel, The88
- New St/Worcester St, Birmingham100
- New Stove83
- New Testament7
- New Year21, 33
- New Year’s Day103
- Newman, Mr103, 107, 109, 110, 111, 122, 127, 129, 138, 143
- Newman, Mrs143
- Newman, Rev CD104
- Newmarket110
- Newry, Betty Newton, Mr59
- Nicholas and wife135
- Nichols, Sam18
- Nicholson, Mr3, 9, 11, 15
- Nicholson20
- nightingale126
- Nile76
- Nixon, Frederick81
- Noel Road, Edgbaston-14
- Noel Road126
- Norris75
- North door (Church (Holy Trinity))73
- Oates, Mr and Mrs16
- Old Chester Road139
- Old Coach & Horses100
- old Dog, the39
- Old Driffold House131
- Old Duke131
- Old Sun139
- Old Town Workhouse43
- omnibus15
- Oram and Squelch (?)110
- Organ73
- Oughton, Mr
- Oughton, Mr7, 25, 37
- Oughton, Mrs7, 25, 49
- Over Whitacre45
- owling22
- ox roast110
- ox roasting7
- Packewood, Mr101
- Packington, Sir J125
- Packwood, Mr100
- Packwood, Mr13, 15, 31, 47, 108, 113, 138
- Packwood, Mrs41
- Packwood, Parson104
- Packwood, Rev James138
- Paget, Lord H138
- pallbearers69
- Palmerston, Lord83
- parasol7
- parish magazine Parish Vestry Meeting41
- Park Lodge17, 19
- Park Road13, 109, 132
- park, the109
- Park, the6, 21, 29, 37, 39, 53, 63, 65, 67, 71, 110, 111, 127, 128, 132
- Park13, 20
- Parkes, Mrs101, 102, 136
- Parkes, Palmer & Hodgkinson, bankruptcy111
- Parkes111
- Passey, Dr, of Warwick122
- pattens113
- pavement11
- Payne, Mr87
- Pearson, bookseller11
- Pearson, Dr11
- peas9
- Peel, Sir Robt38
- pencil case10
- Penns Court14
- Penns Mill14
- Penns11, 14, 27, 53, 131, 132
- penny post73
- Penny Readings113, 132, 139
- Pepper, Louise37
- Pepper, Miss16, 25
- Pepper, Mr16
- Peppys, Bishop31
- perigrination131
- Perkins, "Jack"61
- Perkins, Charles25
- Perkins, John, alias "Jack"61
- Perkins, Miss, Floral Fete25
- Perkins, Miss19, 25, 47
- Perkins, Mr E100
- Perkins, Mr Edmund73
- Perkins, Mr W19, 75
- Perkins, Mr6, 18, 41
- Perkins, Mrs Wm25
- Perkins, William41
- Perkins,19, 21, 41, 69
- Perkins19, 59, 36
- Petroleum76
- pew6, 100, 101, 105, 108, 109, 141, 144
- Peyote, Mrs139
- Peyton, Mr81
- Phelps, Miss139
- Pickerhill, Charles127
- Pigston, Mrs139
- Pimlott, Miss16, 18
- Pimm, Miss43, 51
- place cards143
- Plewits16
- Police Station41
- Poll Parrot hunt100
- polling booth75
- polling place19
- ponies15
- Porter, Mrno
- Portobello?, Edinburgh81
- Post Chaise10
- Post Office Mistress122
- Post Office4, 51, 67, 88
- postage stamps108
- postage23
- potatoes125
- Pratt, Mrs108
- Pratt111a
- presentation of plate to Dr Williamson39
- Preston129
- Prince Consort55
- Prince of Wales63
- Procter, Mr25, 47
- Procter, Mrs25
- Proctor, Mr and Mrs16
- pulpit cushion101
- pump9
- Puritanism111a
- quarry16
- Queen51
- rabbits (conies)135
- rabbits at Fox Hill132
- race by women76
- race course110
- Races, First15
- Races, Lichfield110
- Races15, 20, 39, 45, 49, 53, 73, 75, 76, 87, 105, 122, 128, 132, 138, 143, 144
- Rail Train57
- rail76
- railings in Churchyard Railroad125
- rails61
- railway bridge85
- Railway Hotel51
- Railway Station57
- railway tunnel under Severn71
- Railway, The, public house57
- Railway51, 59
- Raven, Rev F138
- Rawlins, Mr131, 132
- Rawlins, Mrs131
- Ready Croft, The41
- Rector 6, 29, 69, 110, 144
- Rector, The Old7, 11
- Rector, The67, 76, 103, 108
- Rectory10, 27, 33, 37, 39, 67, 89, 104, 110, 144,
- Red Lion House67
- Red Lion, The4, 7
- Reddy croft138
- Reeves (Joseph)100
- Regent Park104
- repewing76
- Repository43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 65, 67, 76, 107, 126, 127, 141
- Reppingham122
- Reynold3, 143
- Reynolds, Mr111
- Rhode 's lodgings23
- Rhode 's23
- Richardson, Rev19
- ricks, Mr Wm Wilkins '110
- Ridout(?), Mr and Mrs, Wills131
- Rifle Review109
- Rifle Volunteers, The76
- Riflemen131
- right to shoot100
- Riland's, Miss, field100
- Riland, Miss73, 14, 144
- Riland, Rev John141
- Riots at Birmingham108
- Ripon, the, PO Mailpacket125
- ritualism102
- road to Tudor Hill and Lodge67
- road, new11, 13, 41
- Roads16
- Robinson, Mrs126
- Rochford41
- Rocksall132, 143
- Roland, Miss125
- Romaine, Mr125
- Roman Catholic Chapel39, 87
- Roman Catholics108
- Romanism111a
- Romish Chapel144
- roof, Vincent's39
- Rookery, the38, 67, 78, 107, 126
- Rose V111a131
- Rose, Mr129
- Roskell, Mrs Rotchford141
- Rother Hythe37
- Rowley, Mr, deputy of SPG129
- Rowton Well13
- Royal Hotel57, 75,76, 83, 113, 129, 136
- Royal Military College, The127
- Royal Naval College127
- Royal Promenade Gardens and Nursery Grounds, The131
- Royal Town23, 57, 113
- Royal, The61
- Ryder, Dr (Bishop of Lichfield)19
- Sacrament39
- Sadler, Ed129
- Sadler, Hurst & Ralph53
- Sadler, Hurst129
- Sadler, late E101
- Sadler, Mr E37, 83
- Sadler, Mr Richard37, 45
- Sadler, Mr45, 129
- Sadler59
- Saldler, Mrs111
- sale of house132
- Sanatorium107
- Sanders122
- Sandhurst125, 126, 127, 129, 141
- sarcophagus tomb-stone138
- Savings Bank119
- Saviour Saxton, Mr39
- Scarletfever111
- School (on Church Hill)122
- school children65
- school room, Girl's51
- school, infant49
- School5, 9, 11, 37
- Scott, Lord Walter49
- Scott, Mr Francis43
- Screw and Bolt manufacturers76
- Secker, Mr41
- Secker33
- Semper Eaden57
- Servant1, 143
- Sewerage88
- Shaw, Mr138
- Shenstone75
- Shipwrecked13, 17
- shoe shop4
- shooting stars102
- Short59
- Shustoke45
- skeletons at Milcote86
- Smallwood129
- Smith 's, Mr, New Road Tavern104
- Smith, Builder76
- Smith, Charles104, 138
- Smith, Harry47, 89, 125
- Smith, John65
- Smith, Mr Albert102
- Smith, Mr Carter69, 100
- Smith, Mr I(T?), surgeon101
- Smith, Mr Wm, druggist69
- Smith, Mr Wm89, 100, 138
- Smith, Mr, druggist76
- Smith, Mr39, 55
- Smith, MrA109
- Smith, Mrs83
- Smith, R De Lisle, teacher63
- Smith, Rev Albert Eddowes83
- Smith, Rev Albert63
- Smith59
- Snead Mr F snow plough43
- Society for the Propogation
of the Gospel(SPG)27, 107, 108, 109, 129 - Somerville House111
- South Staffordshire shares125
- Spades20
- Spooner and Atwood's Bank75
- Spurrier/Spooner(?)131
- Squires, Mr135
- St Leonards63
- St Michael 's Boldmere47
- St Philips126
- St Valentine 's day73
- starlings105
- Station Inn63
- Station Master, the107
- Station Road67
- Station, man killed87
- Station, WG (Wylde Green?)76
- stationers4
- steeplechases105
- Stephenson69
- stocks43
- Stone House, Acorn131
- stone slab73
- stone step11
- Stonehouse, James, deputy parish clerk144
- Stonehouse55
- stones oflime17
- Stonleigh88
- Stony-field36
- storm7
- strawberries9
- streets53
- sun, The75
- surplices at Hill108, 110
- Sutton 37, 38, 39, 43, 63, 65, 69, 76, 105
- Sutton Coldfield Branch (Railway)59
- Sutton Coldfield Floral & Horticultural144
- Sutton Coldfield Hotel Company127
- Sutton Coldfield Institute & Reading Room125
- Sutton Coldfield19, 51, 59, 85
- Sutton Hotel Company86
- Sutton Park135
- Sutton Royal Hotel, the76
- Sutton Schools29
- Sutton10
- Swift 's cottage61
- Swift, the Keeper61
- Swifts 127
- Swindle, The Gt86
- Tablet (memorial to parents)37
- tablet67
- teeth126
- Telegraph81
- Terry, Major41, 139
- Thackery's "Vanity Fair")113
- Thanksgiving Day39
- Thanksgiving Service7 29
- Three Tuns, The107, 127
- Tigers style, The101
- tollgate76
- Tom Thumb104
- Tonks, Mrs83
- Top Shop13
- town burial place138
- Town Clock76
- Town Crier76
- Town Hall, foundation49
- Town Hall, New51, 53
- Town Hall5, 29, 41, 43, 49, 59, 65, 71, 76, 86, 102, 113, 125, 126
- Town Workhouse43
- tree at Mere Green122
- Trent Villa131
- Trevanion128
- Tudor Hill Building Estate108
- Tudor Hill67
- Tudor Lodge67, 71
- Tunns, the127
- Tuns, the47
- Turbevill, cap & Mrs110
- Turkey, Mr83, 107
- Tuttiet, Mr110
- Tuttiett, The Rev L83
- Umhala, Young Kaffir friend109
- urn39
- vain emblem41
- Valentine, St105
- Vaughton, Maria131
- vault vaults138
- Vauxhall141
- Vestry meeting143
- Vicar of Wakefield10
- Victor Cottage131
- Wager of battle9
- Waimley63
- Walking102
- wall, broken111a
- wall, Mrs132
- Wallis, Miss105
- Wallis, Mrs101
- Walmley Parsonage27
- Walsall83, 85
- Warburton, Major43, 45
- Warden37, 39,41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 55, 61, 69, 100, 102, 111, 132
- wardens100
- Warder's dau. in law, Ruth113
- Warder, old113
- Warlow(?), Cap & Mrs110
- Warwick37, 83, 87
- Warwickshire Agricultural show111
- Warwickshire Agricultural Society83
- Warwickshire Rife Volunteers109
- watchmen7
- Water Orton83
- Water Works Scheme71
- Water Works69, 71, 76
- waterspout107
- weather87, 104, 105, 111, 122, 129, 131, 132, 138, 139, 141
- Weaver59
- Webb, Miss Webb, Mr55, 100
- Webb, TV55
- Webster, 'Baron and Baroness'51
- Webster, Baron53
- Webster, BD51
- Webster, Miss Anne37
- Webster, Miss MA76
- Webster, Miss37
- Webster, Mr B51
- Webster, Mr Baron45, 49
- Webster, Mr BD47
- Webster, Mr45, 53, 69, 109, 110, 111
- Webster, Mrs Baron49
- Webster, Mrs51
- Wednsesbury Fete110
- Wellington House131
- Westminster27
- Westons107
- White Hart, The45
- White house59
- White, Mr65
- Whitehouse, Miss Emily47
- Whitehouse, Mr H113
- Whitnash108
- wig, full bottomed9
- Wiggan, Mr37, 39
- Wiggan, Mr88
- Wild (Green)41
- Wild, Mr131
- Wilkin's barn76
- Wilkin, Mr W49
- Wilkins of Peddimore83
- Wilkins' house67
- Wilkins, Mr Wm, ricks110
- Wilkins, Mrs Chandler45
- Wilkins, Mrs. Post Office Mistress122
- Wilkins, Mrs51
- Wilkins, Thos41
- Wilkins, Wm45
- Wilkins59, 67, 83, 88
- Williams, Mr87
- Williamson, Dr Richard89
- Williamson, Dr37, 39, 41, 47, 76, 81
- Williamson, Mrs (Annie Gray?)129
- Wills, Mr Winkler132
- Wilson, Mr, of Gately132
- Wilson, Mr38, 73, 110
- Wilson, Mrs55, 132
- Windley Pool139
- window in Church67, 69, 81, 84, 101
- window, Sarah 's76
- Wolverhampton Congress144
- Wolverhampton111a
- Wood's door144
- Wooden box83
- Woolwich76
- Worcester, Bishop of47
- work box9
- Workhouse Meadows144
- Workhouse people73
- Workhouse43
- Wright, Mr and Mrs63
- Wright, Mr51, 63
- Wylde Green (Chavasse)135
- Wylde Green (house of Chavasse?)119
- Wylde Green41, 131
- wylde Green41
- Xmas card104
- Xmas Day84
- Xmas21, 29
- Yates, Mrs129
- Yates107
- Yeld Mr41
- Yelds, the53
- York65
- Young, Mr, of Whitenash108
- zinc coffin69
Sarah Holbeche Diary - Index
- Author: Webmaster
- Index